18 February 2010

Woman consulting legal booksBenefits and Work is pleased to be able to provide a unique new 200+ page resource for members involved in disability living allowance and attendance allowance appeals.

Hundreds of DLA and AA case law extracts have been sorted by component and subject so that you can quickly and easily find vital rulings from the most important decisions.  Do you need to know what the law is relating to the cooking test and slotted spoons or perching stools?  Whether the speed of cooking a meal is relevant?  Where microwave ovens fit in? 

With extracts from dozens of decisions on a single topic, such as severe discomfort in relation to higher rate mobility, you can be sure that you have details of all the most important legal principles in relation to every aspect of the disability conditions for DLA and AA.

There’s even an additional 16 page January 2010 ‘Stop Press’ bringing the pack right up to date.

If you are involved in a DLA or AA appeal yourself, or supporting clients who are appealing a decision, this pack is the best resource anywhere online for discovering the current state of the law and for assisting in the preparation of written submissions.

The pack has been prepared by Mark Perlic as a training resource for people attending courses he is currently running around the UK on DLA and AA caselaw and how to use it.  If you work with clients who claim DLA or AA you can find out more about how Mark Perlic’s courses in London, Birmingham and Edinburgh can help you to provide even better support.

Mark Perlic is a leading authority on this subject, having written the long-running Derbyshire DLA and AA Case Law Pack, a  digest of decisions which you can find on the bookshelf of every good welfare rights representative. Mark is currently a Senior Welfare Rights Officer at Wolverhampton City Council and before that was the Training Officer at Birmingham Tribunal Unit.

The arrangement to allow members to download the caselaw pack is currently only temporary, so don’t leave it too long to get your copy.

Members can download the caselaw pack from this page.


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